
How to Plan Your Corporate Event

Planning a corporate event can be fun and exciting but also headache-inducing. With so many details to think through, what can you do to ensure that the event goes smoothly, and your team has a good time? This article provides some valuable tips to ensure a well-executed corporate event that will make you look like a planning hero! Some of the main issues to tackle are as follows:


Will this be an event for all the staff at your company or a subset? For example, board members, district managers, area managers, store managers, shift leads, all employees, etc. Who is making the decision on which people are coming to the event?


Based on how many people you have attending and who will be attending the event, what should you do? It could be an evening out, a full day trip, a weekend retreat or all of the above. What is something that would fit with the group of people who are attending? You could do a weekend trip for your Board or Executive staff but most likely not for all of your employees unless you have a small team.


Some of this will likely be decided based on the number of people you will have attend the event. If there are going to be fewer people, it could potentially be a much longer event, lasting multiple days. However, if there will be a large number of people, the likelihood is that your event will last a number of hours. It is also important to decide if you will have this during work hours or in the evening or on the weekend. This is largely a financial and personal decision. Some places, such as our company, Dimension XR, offer discounts for corporate events that book during slower business hours like weekday afternoons. This is something to consider when looking at the financial impact of your event.


This is the meat and potatoes of your decision making process on your corporate event. If you are planning a weekend getaway, which hotel and what activities will you book? If you decide to do an evening event, which venue will you opt for and will it be somewhere with catering and some sort of engaging activity, or will you opt to do a more casual hors-d’oeuvres, drinks and mingling? There is no wrong option. It is just a question of which fits your budget and event attendee needs and desires.


This is the question of whether there is a theme to your event or not. If there is a reason that you are having the event such as a 10 year business anniversary or a major partner’s birthday, then you have a theme right there. Sometimes you don’t need a theme for a corporate event, it can just be a good time for your staff to enjoy themselves and get some bonding experiences to further their camaraderie which will increase their performance. Bonus for you. At Dimension XR, we offer a free roam virtual reality laser tag experience, called Limitless VR which, despite shooting lasers at one another, really develops a deep sense of engagement and bonding between the players.

The most important aspect of planning a stellar corporate event is to give yourself the time to get what you need done without having to rush and accept the “good-enough” options. Take the time to look at your finances, have a budget for the event, and I know that you will be able to come up with something fantastic. One of the best corporate events I ever attended was when I was working for a county organization, and they took all of their employees to the beach and provided hamburgers or hotdogs and we just got the afternoon off of work to engage in preplanned corporate bonding activities and eat lunch right next to the ocean. It did not cost a lot for the county, but we had a great time. You can do a lot with a little.

To get more information about the corporate event packages we offer at Dimension XR you can visit us on the web at www.dimensionxr.com, email us at info@dimensionxr.com, or call us at 833-664-8727.

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